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Apple Bites  Educational Opinions and Editorials Part 4 of 6



Commentary, Facts, and Opinion on Issues Related to Children and Education

beautiful African am girl

Racism In The Oval Office, The Wrong Example and Message to School Children, and Educators


Part 4


Donald Trump: Egotist, Child, Racist, Mentally Ill, Inept, or Just Evil?



Donald Trump is a carnival barker-a con. His mouth is loud and his attitude is that of a bully. He has limited knowledge of government or the operation of democratic institutions. A carnival barker makes loud noises, waves shinny objects, and claims to be the world's greatest. Some carnival barkers, when you don't buy what they are selling, become depressed. Some barker when away from the crowd ,acts like a child, and have temper tantrums.


Trump acts like a child, and has temper tantrums in the oval nursery. Various baby sitters have resigned the nursery job. They realize there is something wrong with the child in the nursery. Trump will never grow up and get out of the nursery. He likes the noise his rattler makes when he rubs it across the bars of his crib. He likes even more the attention he gets from the baby sitter when they tell him to stop making noise. He is a child who likes making noise and pretending he is great. Chalk watch is what his sitter must do each day to keep the child out of trouble. In reality the baby sitters job is to keep the baby from breaking valuable item in the house. The child throws tantrums ,when he can't have his way. Its a sign he still craves the love and affection he never got and still desires.


At what point will congress change the child's dirty diaper and put him in another crib. He has" thrown up" foul language on American school children. He has broken the toys of other children and brought disaster and confusion to the nursery. This child needs nothing else to play with or suck on. Certainly this child does not need another bottle, shinny object, or keys to rattle. The sitter must take away the foreign made keys, too often they are in his mouth. He has made enough noise with his baby rattler, and his crayon drawing in the nursery are still fresh. His colorized drawings of marching Charlottesville white nationalist are displayed on the wall of the nursery. His scribbled words "fine people on both sides" are drawn in white chalk. Some one should put the rails of the crib up. The child has demonstrated he should not be allowed out his crib; and certainly not outside the nursery.


Trump does not know how to play with big children. He pushes them aside, so they can see him craw on the floor. He wants to be one of the big people, but he does not realize, you can not become an adult, simply by saying so. You must grow up and stop acting like a child. He has tantrums because he does not have a wall, and Mexico will not provide any pesos to build it. He has no steel slats in the nursery. Steel slats reminds him of the bars in his baby crib. Bars are something he can rub his rattler against to make noise. He thinks bars will keep big people out, he does not realize the bar on his crib are to keep him in. The big people know, he cant be left alone or unguarded. He may one day get his hands on a match, and with his immaturity, he could set the house on fire.


He wants a baby sitter who will l do nothing, just let him lie in his crib and watch his revolving mobile. It makes tweet noises like him. He has thrown his rattler against the window, and became up set when no one built a wall for him. He like toys in the nursery, none of which he understands or can properly operate. He just likes to make noise and pretend to be the greatest baby in the world. He wish his rattler could hit a wall, but the adults won't build another useless wall in the nursery. Besides, the Mexicans said they would not pay for a wall for a child. They said adults build bridges not walls. Trump will continue to act out and make noise to get attention for the rest of the day. Few baby sitters want the job of watching the child in the nursery. They had several baby sitters over the years. They come and go, but they never stay. One baby sitter said, its not the job. There is something wrong with the baby. Hopefully, some mature adults will come, and send the child to a foster home in 2020. Perhaps some mature relative will come who realizes the baby needs professional help. Any relative will do. The only thing you can be sure of, it won't be his uncle "Moscow Mitch"


Is Donald Trump a child, a racist, mentally unfit, evil, and a poor example for American school children? Should certain members of congress continue to stand in fear and pay homage to a bully, who acts like a child.? What should you say to elected political officials about their behavior, and the examples they are setting for American school children? You should tell men like Trump and North Carolina's Congressman Meadows that using a black female as a "prop" to say Trump is not a racist is itself a racist act. School children watching a political hearing in their history class saw a racist act performed by a politician, who became upset when called out for his public racist act. What do you have to do, to protect American children from the language, deeds, dishonesty, and ills of racist and racism? There is a parent teachers baby sitting meting scheduled for November. The memo said the baby is on the agenda.

Don't miss the meeting.