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teachers asking question


Books, racism, theory, threats, and controls limit educators

Educators angry about politics,racism, and foolishness applied to children' education.


Teachers Ask

Q: I am a teacher and I have enough problems with new measure to improve testing and limit curriculum. Now some parents and conspiracy theorist have introduced a new racial element to the already problem laden educational system. This new imaginary problem is called "Critical Race Theory" a problem educator did not have, and should not have now. But some uninformed individuals who probably never taught a class, and certainly have not taught classes with real students have created a foolish problem for teachers. They have created an imaginary problem that only misinforms parents,deny facts to students,and detracts from the essential education of children. How do you view the foolishness in Florida?


A: If politicians would leave teachers alone, and let them do what they do best--teach, perhaps some children might receive a better quality of education. Education can move a society forward. No myth advocate, politician, or conspirator knows what a child needs for his educational growth and development. Growth, development and educating the minds of children is the responsibility of educators, and best left to the wisdom of classroom teachers. Skilled, professional educators help in developing children's minds and knowledge five days a week. Teachers are better judges of a child's need. Why some politicians and conspirators who are selfish in their desires believe the education of our children should be political suggest they failed a class in thinking and common sense.


Professor J.T. Clemons has said for years,"too many people confuse degrees with intelligence" They are not the same. Having a degree from a recognized university can still mean you have an idiot with a degree. In the case of conspirators, what do you say to a person whose body is on Earth, but mind is far away in a land of unicorns, fears, aliens, and imagination.? We will explore critical race theory, its origin, development, history, and distortions by conspiracy advocates, and those who have a hidden agenda. Some ideas, and desires are not good for the education of our children, and in too many cases not good for anyone.



"If you cannot explain good character, behavior, and morals to children in words, model it for them in your deeds." Clemtec's Founder