Frequently Asked Questions (customer service) The best question is the one you ask

Questions About Bullying, Education,Gangs, Guns, Services, and Support

people holding question marks

"If you fail to ask questions, knowledge will continue to sleep." - J.T. Clemons


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can your company stop shootings,and violence in schools?

A: No. We are a classroom discipline strategy and behavior solution service company. Violence prevention by its definition is not our goal. Our system and strategies reduces disruptive behavior , changes environmental conditions, and may prevents some acts of violence. Total elimination is never assured.


Q: Can you help teachers with several disruptive students in the classroom?

A: Yes. Often disruptive classrooms have several students requiring behavior management. Clemtec's I-AERI strategies are designed to solve multiple discipline and behavior problems.


Q: What makes Clemtec different from a traditional educational resource?

A: We are a discipline and behavior solution consultancy. We specialize in the seven problem areas of education that others often avoid. diversity, identity, race, gender, culture , cyber bullying, and motivational behavior.


Q; How can I reach "Questions Teachers Ask"?

A: See contact for details.


Q: Can you help over-aged students, behind in grade level?

A: Yes: Forward Now and HIM services address these issues. Learn more at services.


Q: A website promised to provide us a review about your company for a fee. Why do you sell your information.?

A: We do not sell any information about us. IT IS ALL FREE, from us, or partners,or legal staff, or public records. 57 years of effective business speaks for itself. Anyone selling information about us is a scam. DO NOT PAY for what you can get free. Beware of sites selling information about businesses. Often their information is inaccurate. Scam artists are out to acquire money at your expense. BE AWARE


Q: You are not on social media ,Face book, Twitter, U Tube, Etc. Why?.

A: We are not on social media sites out of policy,contract, and discretion.

We are reviewing ways to make a social presence without violating a "discretion clause" in our contract. Schools having disruptions and behavior problems limit publicity of their situation. Troubled schools are troubling to parents. To publicize location, a school's problem, and what we are doing to solve it, would expose our clients. Our "discretion" clause requires us to honor specific requirements of schools

Be aware of Social Media misuse or misrepresentation by individual with a hidden agenda.




Q:Is the Hard Mr. "C" poster still available?

A: Yes. the poster is available in desktop, (8x11) or display sizes.(18x24)

Q: Where does the line, "... I will never let you stop learning" come from?

A: The highly quoted line is from the book, Classroom Discipline for Terrified Teachers by Professor Clemons. See Hard Mr. "C"



Q: Will Clemtec provide support for teachers struggling with difficult students?

A: Absolutely. We support teachers. We want teachers and students to succeed.

Q: Can teachers receive follow-up help from Clemtec ?

A: Yes. Once we resolve problems for teachers or school, we are available. We may require school code or some identification for verification



Q; Can Clemtec provide help to students who want to drop out ?

A: Yes. See our drop out prevention program and other related services on our service page.

Q; How are Clemtec services provided ?

A: All services are arranged and provided under contract. Travel to your location is paid in advance. All other terms and conditions are in the contract.



Q:Will Clemtec solve gang disputes?

A: No. Gang solutions are not our focus or area of expertise.

Q:Will Clemtec teach educators gang signs and recognition?

A: No. Gang culture is best taught by your local police gang squad.

Q;Will your company remove gangs from my school?

A: No. Clemtec has no administrative authority in schools.

Q: Can you stop gang violence.?

A: No. Student classroom behavior and "gang violence" are two different items.



Q: Can your company conduct a bullying workshop or in service for schools?

A; Yes: We conduct workshops on bullying .We hold a national bullying conference every two years.

Q:Can you address social media bullying?

A: Yes. We discuss various types of bullying.

Q:Will you address bullying in relation to gender identity?

A: Yes. Gender identity is sensitive in some schools. We address identity issues as well as its effect.

Q: Does bullying really lead to suicide?

A: It may. According to researchers including psychiatrist and mental health professionals;

bullying is a form of aggressive mental and physical harassment and may push some students to suicide.



Race and Drugs

Q: Can your help teachers who have a racial or negative attitudes about minority students?

A: Yes. We conduct workshops and sensitivity training for teachers who may possess a bias,

stereotypic philosophy, or racial attitude and racist actions.

Q: Can you discipline students who use control substances?

A: Depending on the substance. Substance abuse specialist are required in these cases.