Every child deserves an education, regardless of circumstances of birth- Dr. JT Clemons
The Need
Clemtec Incorporated was established to help neglected students acquire a better education; and help teachers manage and motivate students who are unjustly labeled, devalued, and poorly taught.
The Idea
Clemtec Corporation was founded and established on the idea of a child's need, and the philosophy that "Its not what others did not teach that should concern you,but what you can learn now to overcome the difference that is important".
The Start
A young student attending North Carolina Central University mentored and tutored school age children in Durham, NC. The problems and needs of students surprised him. He realized many students were missing fundamentals of education, and their future was plagued with disadvantages. While tutoring, he concluded, many of the student's needs that concerned him were no fault of students. He decided to help students who were neglected,poorly taught,labeled behavior problems and told they were of little value-and would never succeed. These neglected and negatively labeled students were often viewed as the cause of discipline,disruption, and discord in public school.
He refused to believe or allow students to accept the thought that they were trouble maker ,valueless, and could never achieve. His observation of students and their problems in real life made him ask questions. He challenged the practice of how "some" students were taught. He questioned the practice of not accepting all students where they were educationally and teaching them. To him, students needs should be addressed in reality, including limitations. He realized the needs of students were magnified by disadvantages, and marginalize by neglect, and limited skills. He made the educational needs of students a priority.
The Founding
For young J T that meant going to ghettos, slums, and deprived areas of the city of Durham, as well as affluent communities to help children meet their educational needs. He rejected the idea that a child at a certain age should know all things for his age group. He echoed that circumstances of birth, denied opportunities, and the sting of poverty influenced the knowledge level of students. He argued that educators are obligated to fill the gaps of limited knowledge when ever a student is assigned to their class. Even students who are behind. No child he said,thinks well on an empty stomach,a tired body, a troubled mind,and a sleepless night. He disregarded a student's age, circumstances, ethnicity,and limitations. He began to tutor and teach students in innovative ways to increase learning, and make a difference. His observation of children and their needs made him realize even more the need to teach and help them. In his senior year, he vow to make his school's motto truth and service a part of his life's mission. He realized if he was to make a difference in the educational lives of child, he had to disrupt the short comings in the educational norm. His message to all was, it's not what others did not teach that should concern you,but what you can learn now to overcome the difference that is important.
The History
These words, beliefs, and ideas established a small educational service business in 1966. The business was limited in the early years and all services were free. Providing free educational strategy for student discipline, unwanted behavior, and academic help for all who wanted it was an innovative start to success. Free professional services with effective behavior strategies, and solutions to problems for teachers and students was unheard of in the 1960's. By 1969 the company experienced several successes-some southern institutions were viewing Clemtec as an effective discipline, consulting, and speaker service. At the same time their reputation had spread from North Carolina to Virginia, and some sections of the east coast. The company grew in the 1970's. In the early 80's they became a well regarded educational resource. By 1989 Clemtec experienced another growth period, and the company later incorporated. They crossed the country helping students, schools and others who requested their help. 59 years after their founding, Clemtec a national educational resource, is still making children their priority. Likewise, they still provide educational scholarships and free services anonymously to some communities in the Commonwealth. They are still motivating students, changing behaviors, and providing schools and teachers strategies and solutions that solve education problems. They daily fulfill the motto of North Carolina Central University,truth and service.
Dr. Clemons is available for speaking events for schools and organizations.
Learn more at About Clemtec
it is criminal to give a man a book,as a gift, knowing he can't read,and no one intends to teach him
-Dr. J T Clemons