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QUESTION : I live in an upscale community. We are considered upper middle class. One of my children prefer the public school, and the other is enrolled in private school. The private school is bourgeois. The public school is the best in the city. I am asking this because of my fears. I believed both of my children were safe in their respected schools. Now I don't know. The school officials have decided to arm teachers as the security force. Politicians in my area do not see a problem with that foolish decision. Teachers need to focus fully on the education of children, not concentrate on being policeman. With the school shootings in public, private, and religious schools, I don't like the "teachers as cops" philosophy dominating my community. School teachers are not the solution to school violence. My children attend school in fear. What can a fearful parent do? What is wrong with school officials who do not apply common sense on behalf of children?
ANSWER : No. child should attend school in fear and without the best protection in that school district. Likewise public officials should not have to be told to provide top level protection and security for school children,particularly in schools. Politics and foolishness have no business in the education of children. If politicians and poorly advised leaders advocate foolishness, and ideas dangerous to the welfare of children and the public good; they should be removed from office.
If persons in educational leadership cannot make intelligent decisions, that promote sound education, they serve no value .The protection and education of children is one of the simplistic principles of education. "Every child deserves an education". Education should be free from disruptions, political insanity, and injustice.
Parents must reject school officials who do not provide for safety, security, and the best possible public education for children. Children cannot learn in fear. Children go to school to learn. They do not go to school to fear, cry, or die
" Education should not only change behavior, it should teach you how to think, and apply the tools of knowledge and life for a successful future. Anything short of that could be called educational failure."
-Dr. J T Clemons