" knowledge will give you questions but wisdom will give you answers". Professor Clemons.





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Bigotry, and Lack of Character, Shows No Respect, Interest, or Concern for Immigrant Children

Apple bites Part 2


Parents sent their children scrambling from the room and school teachers cringed when Johnny asked his teacher what did Donald Trump mean when he said the country of Haiti and the continent of Africa had "Shithole" countries." "Why are we having all these people from Shithole countries coming here"? These were the vulgar words of the President of the United States. The man who is the worst possible role model for school children. A president whose vulgar language has shamed the country in the eyes of the world. The elected official who has displayed no character or decency. Trump, the man who has clearly demonstrated he is a racist, inept, and without morals or respect for school children. This is the man, who is president of the United States; the man who has no regard for how his words, deeds, and actions affect or influence American school children.


This is a nation of immigrants. The president's family itself is of immigrant origin. His mother that he does not mention was of immigrant status. Yet he wants to limit immigrants coming to this country and described their country in despicable language. Perhaps he needs to look at his own immigrant heritage, and his father's documented association to racist practices and the Ku Klux Klan. Perhaps, he would do well to look at the immigrant heritage of his third, and present wife, or the places his two previous wives originated. Trump loves immigrants, as long as they are not of color, and comes from Europe. All three of his wives were from foreign countries, all were viewed differently. The words at the base of the Statue of Liberty no longer appears to be true under Donald Trump. Huddle masses yearning to be free are no longer welcomed here according to Trump. However, he is willing to make an exception if you are white or European. American school children have been taught for years the words on the base of the Statue of Liberty are true. They apply to all people, regardless of nationality.


Bullying is a problem in schools, and children can be cruel. Unfortunately, thousands of school children of various beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures, are going to walk in classrooms and be told by some bullying student their country is a "Shithole." Some students will react, and a fight will ensue. Bullying and harassment are cruel, and the tauting that will accompany racist bullying will not be helpful. Color and ethnicity will come into play, and a more serious situation will develop. This type of problem is often precipitated by lack of moral character,ethnic slurs, limited knowledge, name calling, and a racist troubled mind. Trump's name calling, poor knowledge, and lack of character was witnessed recently when he called members of the Democratic Party un-American and traitors .What children hear, see, and experience will follow them for life. Where are the adults who are suppose to protect our children?. When will they stand up? Where are the adult who were taught that the words on the Statue of Liberty have meaning?. Donald Trump does not appear to know or accept these words. These are the words that allowed his mother to come to this country. His mother was an immigrant. He is the offspring of an Immigrant mother and an American born father. Trump's foul language and racist views hinders the acceptance and diversity of our children. Our children are our future. Why poison the minds of children, and lead them down a road of hate, bigotry, and racism.? Misleading children is something a stable, moral, and sound mind would not do, but it is exactly what a racist apathetic mind would do.





"Motivation is a small acorn but wisdom is a mighty oak" ."




" Motivation is a cause with a consequence that provides a remedy."

-Dr. J T Clemons









continue to applebite3 to part 3