Family Separation Reminders of Slavery
Children Need Their Parents
Trump's World: Separate Children "New" American Slavery 2019-2021
Part 3b of 7
There is an ugly rumor about Trump's separation of families and infant children. If it has any truth, it is the worst possible evil act. The rumor is that Trump has a financial agenda in infant separation from their parents. It has been stated that Trumps has a "secret" arrangement with two major adoptions agency. It is said that once infant children cannot be identified and reunited with their parents, they will be offered for adoption. These infants and babies will be offered secretly to wealthy patrons who desire children or those who cannot have children of their own. This sinister long range plot is designed to eliminate" red tape" and long waiting periods for the wealthy or select few.
We cannot verify the rumor, and clearly identify it as such; however, it is repeated by several individual allegedly in a position to know. Although, we have no clear evidence, Trump's action appears to be suspicious . For example, taking 10 million dollars from FEMA and give it to ICE to build detention centers to hold immigrants and children. The number of immigrants detained has increased threefold. It is alarming to know that he took 29 million from the Coast Guard and transfered it to ICE to build more facilities also to be used for immigrant detention. Building more and more detentions in itself raises legitimate questions. Does the Trump Administration plan to block immigration in general by detaining immigrants at the boarder. Is this his way of circumventing court decisions and democratic practices?
It was alarming to learn the Trump administration had been separating children from their parents for one year prior to it becoming public knowledge. The government's own report showed that the separation of children from their families were not the few hundred as stated previously, but thousands. These separations were made with no way of identifying these children or returning them to their rightful parents.
In February 2019, the Trump administration said the 2,700 children assigned to adoptions homes would be too expensive to find and return to parents. Adding allegedly, "it would not be worth the effort" Deliberately separating children from their parents with no way of identifying or returning them is now considered too expensive. To suggest returning children to parents you separated is not worth the effort is shameful and immoral. This is a horrible statement coming from government. As of April 2019 the administration admits there are still 2000 families separated, with a possible two year waiting period to unite them if at all . An official said no records of identification were kept. In June 2019, the administration admitted children were still separated but no numbers were given. In July 2020, it was revealed that as many as 5,000 families were still separated, and some would never be reunited. The Trump administration has admitted separation and claimed the inability to reunite.
In spite of all its problems, the Trump Administration is still after immigrants. He has been to court and made every effort to remove DACA students from the country. These are children who were brought to America by their parents as children. In a 2020 Supreme Court ruling, the court said not yet. Trump will try again in some way, and some children being held will still be separated. The ACLU is still fighting a variety of related cases. Parents hope no one is amoral enough to use children for political, egotistical,or financial gain. Unfortunately, history suggest there is one who will.
* From the up coming book Servant of God by J.T. Clemons used by permission.
"The good work men say you quietly do for mankind makes you great, the work you say you do for anyone makes you egotistical."
-Dr. J T Clemons